We spend a lot of time "going to church." Some of you travel many miles ... others volunteer on the grounds ... still others are so hungry for God's Word that you come every time the doors are open. But we all know ... at least I hope we do ... that there is so much more than just "going to church."
We are called to "Be the Church." We are the "Body of Christ," and as such, we demonstrate Christ on earth. What are some of the things that Jesus did? He served ... He loved ... He healed ... He taught ... etc. While some of those things that Jesus did, he did from an "Immanuel - God With Us" stand point, but many of those, He did from the standpoint of "he took on flesh and lived among us."
So, how can we "be the church"? My wife shared with me last night that a church in our community, 25 or so of their members took the special volunteer class the school board offers, just so they, as a church, could volunteer at a local school. They adopted that school financially, but they wanted to do more ... they wanted to go.
Our brothers and sisters at Southland Christian Church in Lexington, KY did something different last weekend to "Be the Church." They wrote letters to Britney Spears. In the encouragement from Pastor Jon Weece, "No preaching. No criticizing. Just love. As a church, let’s love Britney the way Jesus loves her."
Let's BE THE CHURCH - instead of just going to church!
See ya Sunday!!