Friday, December 21, 2007

Merry "CHRISTmas"

My daugher and I noticed it at nearly the same time ... but she voiced it first. With an air of disgust she noted the words on the sign to her high school as we pulled in Friday morning for the drop-off ritual. The sign had the politically correct greeting of "Happy Holidays" but underneath was the "Word of the Day" ... Nativity. She said, "that just doesn't make sense!"

I understood her lament. In a politically correct world - afraid to mention "Christmas" as you might offend someone - yet encouraging others to understand the word "nativity" ... a term whose very meaning is "representation of the birth of Jesus Christ".

May I suggest to you ... do what I have been doing ... when those who feel compelled to simply offer the politically correct "Happy Holidays" ... respond with a hearty "Merry Christmas." I've been doing that lately and have noticed some of the best responses from cashiers and clerks and even passersby.

I think everybody would rather have a Merry Christmas instead of a Happy Holiday anyway!


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