Friday, November 2, 2007

Out of Water?

Have you heard about Orme, Tennessee yet? If not, you probably will hear about them soon. They are a small town ... 145 residents ... west of Chattanooga. They are in one of the severest drought areas in the southeast. For 3-hours each day, town mayor Tony Reames "drives up a dusty dirt road to the community's towering water tank and begins his nightly ritual in front of a rusty metal valve."

Between 6 and 9 PM, the townspeople drop what they are doing to make sure they are home to wash clothes, do the dishes, take baths or cook dinner ... in short, anything that needs water as those precious 3-hours will be their only opportunity for the day. The city has an annual budget of $13,000. Of that, thus far this year, $8,000 has gone to solve the water shortage.

While our prayers are with them, our concerns must rise as well. As more and more people depend and use water, the supply has to drop. We've seen that in our area lakes. We also probably wonder ... how do people live like that? Only 3-hours of water a day?

The sad thing is this ... there are probably more people in our world today that seemingly try to survive on even less. In fact, there are many within this very congregation. In John 4, Jesus shared with a woman by a well the concept of Living Water ... spiritual drink that all who follow Jesus desperately need on a daily basis. Yet more often than not, most attempt to only drink from the well for one-hour on a Sunday.

How sad that the town of Orme has to be limited to just 3-hours a day. How much sadder that too many Christian's limit themselves to just 1-hour a week when there is a limitless supply.

Drink and be quenched my friends!

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