Tuesday, March 20, 2007

An Upgrade

I have my home page set to MSN so that I can catch up on the news each day. I always try to find time to tab over to the "Peculiar Postings." The other day I came across this headline ... "Woman Upgraded After Dying in Coach." That almost screams out READ ME!!!

So I did! It would seem that an elderly woman, flying with her daughter from Dehli to London, expired after take-off. Instead of landing the plane at another airport - (I would assume that simply landing in a foreign country to drop off a dead body is frowned upon in most parts of the world) - they moved her corpse to first class ... along with her daughter who was quite obviously grieving the loss of her mother. A passenger woke up to "a shock when he found himself sitting near a corpse."

To make matters worse ... the article continued ... that due to turbulence, the body kept slipping out of the seat belt and onto the floor. The "shocked" passenger said, "it was horrific. The body had to be wedged in place with lots of pillows."

Perhaps the line that caught my attention the most, however, was this from British Airways ... "they chose the option they thought would cause least disruption."

Hmmm ... moving a corpse from Coach to First class. Yeah, I suppose that would be too disrupting! But then again ... it has happened before. Well - maybe not with a corpse, but I do seem to remember a story about a Guy who went from first class to coach to baggage and back to first class again. And if I remember the story correctly - I seem to remember Him saying that if we wanted to go from coach to first class - we could do that too! And the incredible thing is that we wouldn't have to pay any extra - He had already paid for the upgrade! In fact, He even said, "I AM the way!"

I've put in for my upgrade ... how about you?

Have a Happy Day!

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